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International Journal of Agriculture is World Rank # 1
Rice Research Station Bahawalnagar Agriculture Department (Research wing) Pakistan
Mr.Shahbaz Mustafa
Rice Scientist

Present Position: Assistant Research Officer (Plant Pathology)
Institution: Rice Research Station, Bahawalnagar
Discipline: Plant Pathology
Education History
Terminal Degree: M.Sc. (Hons). Agri., (Plant Pathology) 2010
University: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Professional Experience
Assistant Research Officer, Rice Research Station, Bahawalnagar, Pakistan (18.10.2011 to date)
Assistant Research Officer, Plant Virology Section, PPRI, AARI Faisalabad Pakistan (13.07.2011 to 17.10.2011)
Pakistan Pytopathology Society (Since 2011)
Professional Trainings/Workshops
« Role of information and communication technology (ICT) and library management in digital era (06-09-16).
« Soil moisture measurement course at WMTRI LAHORE (23-02-2015).
« CBT for anxiety depression and OCD (22-05-14 to 23-05-14).
« Diagnosis of viral diseases (17.11.2014- 20.11.2014).
« Sustainable and integrated management of insect, pest and diseases at NIAB FSD (24-09-2013 to 26-09-.2013).
« Identification of rice varieties and modern techniques of parboiling at RRS BWN (25-06-2012 to 30-06-2012).
Research Interests
« Development of extra long grain rice varieties particularly for Bahawalnagar region.
« Screening of rice germplasm against rice blast and bacterial incidence.
« Genetic studies for the control of bacterial blight of rice.
« Integrated management approaches for the control of Rice Blast in Bahawalnagar region.
Research work
Screening of rice varieties/lines against Rice Blast and Bacterial leaf blight.
Isolatio and purification of rice pathogens for further studied and identification.
Screening of rice varieties/lines against Rice leaf folder and stem borer.
Efficacy of different spray chemicals against Rice Blast and Bacterial Leaf Blight diseases control measures.

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