Monday, 7 March 2016

How to buy ISBN in Japan

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Jwala Mounika Satti, Kiran Kumar M, Sudhakar Pola and Sandeep B.V. are International Rockstars of Pythagoras Research Award-2015 in Biotechnology

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UBN: Universal Book Number

You can have either ISBN or UBN on your book. UBN is better than ISBN. UBN protects copyright issues of your book worldwide. ISBN does not provide any security over copyright issues. You can obtain UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from

You should provide below information to get your UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book.-

Title of the Book:

Publisher: Self Published/ Name of Publisher


Format: Hard/ electronic version?

Place of Publication: Name of Country?

E-Mail this information to and UABN will deliver you the UBN for your book within approx 24 hours.  
While an ISBN is not required to publish a book, it is a good idea to get UBN for your book, specially if you want to sell it through standard book distribution channel. For selling it, you do not need to have an ISBN. ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and UBN stands for  Universal Book Number, a unique code that can be assigned to a book. ISBN delays the publication process, while UBN is fast and more accurate to publication process, distribution, sales and marketing. 

UABN  : Universal Agency for Book Number; officially assigns and regulates legitimate UBN. It is responsible for the collection, description, preservation and accessibility of UBN . The UABN also serves as a development centre for the literature and library sector and promotes strong cooperation in the field, on not for profit status.

ISBNs and UBN are allotted to publishers. Books on stores are usually published by the publishers, authors or their relatives individually. Earlier ISBNs and UBNs were allotted only in blocks. But the good news for self-publishers is that now individual ISBNs and UBNs can be allotted to the self-publishers too. You simply need to email at to get your UBN.
Getting a  UBN, costs nominal charges. You need to send an application to email at for UBN. Raja Rammohan Roy National Agency delays the entire publication process of your book and responds after 10 months or even later, or even may never respond.  
You can also publish your book directly with UABN and can get UBN email at
Who Can Apply?
Any one publishing a book or other material eligible to get ISBN/ UBN:
  • Publishers
  • Self Publishers
  • Authors
  • Universities
  • Institutions
  • Government Departments

The purpose of the UABN is to identify one specific version of a book. If you wish to have a print (hardbound or softbound) or electronic (ePUB, PDF, or MOBI) version, or even register a new version, you will need a unique UBN/ ISBN for each format. This allows retailers to help the customer understand exactly which version of a title they are purchasing.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, a unique code that can be assigned to a book. UBN: Universal Book Number

You should provide below information to get your UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book.

Title of the book: ?

Publisher: Self Published/ Name of Publisher

Author: ?

Format: Hard/ electronic version?

Place of Publication: Country?

Email this information to to purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book. UABN provides UBN for books in whole world, generally process is very fast and simple, usually it takes only 24 hours to purchase a UBN

Hyatt Book Store deals book collection and sales from various countries- Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan The Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Costa Rica Ivory Coast Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon The Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati North Korea South Korea Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Samoa San Marino San Marino São Tomé and Príncip Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Saint Kitts Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

1.   DS Tsoukleris says
Does the bar code come with the purchase of the UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN?
2. Fashami says
I am preparing a Superhero comicbook in eBook it need to get a Universal Book Number (UBN) UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN for eBook version.As am planning to self publish my book. And can i self publish my comic book in Photon eBooks/ Amazon . In in India.
3. Wren says
We are in the process of creating a new cover for a book that is already in print. It is a book of poetry.
None of the poems are changing and there are no major revision except the order of the poems.
Does this make it a new edition that requires a new UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN
Postal address for sending the application:

  • Email to to purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book.

    Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN,
    Department of Higher Education,
    Ministry of Human Resource Development,
    Room No. 13, Jeevan Deep Building,
    4th Floor, Parliament Street,
    New Delhi - 110001
    Phone: +91-11-26172903/26172916
o Kasparov  says
Ron, the cover change would not necessitate a new UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, but changing the order of the poems might. You can email to , they will help you in this. That’s a new question for me, you might want to query the bibliographers at and if you get a definitive answer, I would appreciate you posting it here, thanks. Prof. SK Sharma says
I want to publish a book on surgery. It will be helpful for MBBS and MS/ MD Students. What should I do for high sales and better online visibility?
You should sell it on various online platforms available Hyatt Book Store, Amazon , eBAY  Photon eBooks, Google Play Store etc. For better visibility of your book, you should have UBN (UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER) on it. Book sellers searches the book by UBN. Whenever customers demand book on physical and online stores, it needs UBN (UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER). Without UBN you miss lots of online traffic and worldwide sales. 

4. ANOSIKE says
If I buy an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, can I sell my books anywhere in the world?
I am a self-publisher and I have 3 published books which I would like to sell outside my country but I would like to maintain my ownership of the books and the copyrights too. Send me an answer please! It’s urgent. Prof. Ayumi Kinoshita says
I am from Japan and want to publish a book on beauty and health care with Yukie Yamamura. It will have chapters on physical training and yoga also. How can i purchase UBN? 
You can email to to buy UBN it costs only US$ 100.  It takes only 24 hours. Your book can also be helpful for beauty products and massage oil. Kasparov  says
halla, the UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN has nothing to do with where you can or cannot sell your books, with your copyright, or the “ownership” of your books. You are free to sell them anywhere you like. You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
5. Schneegans says
If I publish on Amazon Do I need two different UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBNs for my ebook and print?
o Starr says
Lilly, strictly speaking you don’t need new ISBN for your Kindle eBook, Once assigned UBN to your book is sufficient for this. Since Amazon does not require ISBN and they will assign their own ASIN anyway for their internal catalogue. Some publishers assign a UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN to their Kindle eBooks for their own internal tracking purposes. UBN boosts the royalty on these sellers e.g. Alibaba , eBay , Hyatt Book Store, Walmart , Photon eBook Store ,….
6. Danielopol says
I have a pen name, how does this affect a UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN # or Barcode?
I want to buy 10 UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN numbers
AND 10 Barcodes. Is this possible?
How do I create a custom Barcode?
I am an artist/illustrator and I want to create my own design cover for my book. How do I go about that?
7. Vines says
the book is published, now i want to translate it into spanish – does thes translation require a new Universal Book Number (UBN) / ISBN #?
o    4. ANOSIKE says
If I buy an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, can I sell my books anywhere in Canada?

Yes, You can do so, there is no problem. Sell at any eBook Store D says
Yes, it’s a new edition, you will need new UBN. You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
§ Murray says
Thank you! (^_^)/
This helps me a lot in planning my following steps in publishing.
§ Dubitzky says
thank you so much!
1.    What do all the numbers mean?
See my earlier articles on
We need them to identify each book that is published, and each edition of the same book. UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN also identifies the publisher of the book. It is the standard ID number used to identify books by booksellers, libraries, book wholesalers and distributors.

If you plan to sell your book in bookstores, to libraries, or through online retailers like, you will need an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN. You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
4.    Does a book have to be published to have an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN?
UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBNs are issued to publishers, who then assign them to individual books. This can be done at any time, even before the book is written.
5.    Is the UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN the bar code I see on the back of books?
The bar code is a representation of the UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN in a form that can be identified by scanners. The bar code might also have other information embedded in it, like the price of the book and the currency in which it is priced.
6.    Okay, do I need to have a bar code too?
Only if you plan to sell your book in bookstores. If you only plan to sell online, or privately like at speaking engagements, you don’t need a bar code. Many publishers put them on their books anyway.
7.    If I get an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, does that mean my book is copyrighted?
No, UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN is administered by private company / body for the use of the international book trade. Copyright is administered by the
 Library of Congress and is an extension of intellectual property law.
8.    If I have an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, does that mean my book will be in Books in Print?
 BowkerLink to fill out the forms necessary for your book to be listed in Books in Print.
9.    Can self-publishers get an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN?
A self-publisher is still a publisher, so yes, you just apply for an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN like anyone else. You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
Go to, You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from . ISBN website is run by Bowker, which is the company authorized to administer ISBN program in the United States, alternatively You can purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from for Book sales/ publication in United States. Click on “UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN Identifiers” and you’ll be taken to a page where you can buy 1, 10, 100 or 1000 UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBNs, or simply email at .
The least economical choice is to buy 1 UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN. If you ever publish another edition of your book, or another book entirely, you will need more than one UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN. I suggest you buy the 10 pack.
12. What do UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / / ISBNs cost?
A single UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN today costs $125, while 10 UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBNs cost $250, 100 cost $575 and 1000 cost $1000. Note that the price per UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN drops from $125 to $25 to $5.75 to $1.
13. Isn’t it just a number? Why does a number cost $125?
Many people are pondering this question, so far without an answer. Obviously, it’s not because of the cost of the product. Could there be another reason?
14. Well, can I re-use my UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN?
No, sorry, once assigned to a book, an UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN can never be reused.
You’ll print it on the copyright page, and it’s included in the Cataloging-in-Publication data block, if you use one. Otherwise, just print it on the copyright page and, of course, on the back cover as part of the bar code. For more information Email at
16. I’m doing a print book and an ebook. Do I need two UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBNs, or can I use the same one?
This is a matter of some discussion at the moment, since there are more and more electronic formats. The policy of assigning a separate UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) /ISBN to each and every edition is under review. Check back for more info.
17. How about a hardcover and a softcover of the same book?
You need a separate UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN for each edition, to identify them for everyone who might want to find them in directories, catalogs and databases. Directly purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
18. If I revise my book, do I need to give it a new UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN?
If you only correct typographical errors, and don’t make any substantial changes to the text, you don’t need a new UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN because it’s considered a reprint. A new edition would contain substantially new material, a major revision, or the addition of completely new elements. Anything that makes it a new book is likely to create a new edition and, therefore, need a new UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN. Better to purchase UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book from
19. How about if I just change the cover?
You can continue to use the same UNIVERSAL BOOK NUMBER (UBN) / ISBN, since the text has not changed.

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