Evaluation of ground water quality, hydro chemical facies and ionic ratios in Kom Hamada City, Al-Beheira Governorate (Western Nile Delta), Egypt has been published on Journal of Water Research

Prof. Dr. M.A. ZAYED
He is Professor of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
He has done B.Sc. 1969 (Honors), Demonstrator, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry 1972, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Ph.D. Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry 1975, Prof. of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Cairo University and
Sc. (Analytical Chem.), 2010, Cairo University Via Royal Society of Chemistry UK.
He is Organizer of several training courses in Microanalysis in Cairo University micro analytical center (1992-1995), Training course via monitoring of pollution of River Nile project (Canadian- Egyptian Project 1991-1993), NARP and Cemarp project training courses in Agriculture Center of Food technology, 1996-1997,…etc.
He has gotten Cairo University Award of Distinct research in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry and golden medal (1987, 2009), Award of Cairo University (2013), Award of Misr El-Kheer of distinct publications (2013).
He has Membership and essential member of group of scientific national and international organizations (Egyptian society of analytical chemistry, Egyptian society of Chemistry, Scientific Egyptian syndicate, Egyptian society of corrosion protection of metals, Egyptian society of electron microscope, American Chemical Society (ACS), Intelcollectual one hundred group in Hummed research group USA via NASA , Indian chemical society…etc.
Adel Mohamed Abdohdad
He is working in Madina Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt.
Scientific Degrees:
B. Sc. General Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University
Experiences and work Fields:
1- He worked as chemist and supervisor for analytical labs of work stations in water and Drainage Company of El-Behera Governorate.
2- He shared a cooperation project between work stations in water and Drainage Company of El-Behera Governorate and Holland companies in studying water qualities of underground and surface water qualities to select suitable sources for drinking and irrigation purposes. This cooperation had been done at period 1997-2001, at different areas of El-Behera Governorate.
3- He also teaches practical and theoretical to different trainer in water and Drainage Company of El-Behera Governorate in different training courses at the period 1998-2006 after getting his M.Sc.
4- He also supervised treatment and analyses of drainage water resources in water and Drainage Company of El-Behera Governorate at the period 2000 to 2007.
5- He present scientific advises to different places in Egypt to judgment of water quality to select suitable sources for different purposes. 6- Nowadays he is working as a lecturer and scientific staff in Madina Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Giza, Egypt since 2009 till now
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Water is the most important natural resource and it is vital for all life forms on earth. Depending on its usage and consumption, it can be a renewable or a non-renewable resource. Recently, Water demand has increased rapidly with the construction of energy, development of industry, agriculture, urbanization, improvements in living standards and eco-environment construction.Ground water is an important source of water supply throughout theworld
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